Easy Steps to Achieve 411 Locate Opt Out: Guide & Tips

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Written By Christopher Truax

With a master's degree in telecommunications and over 15 years of experience working in telecom, networking, and cybersecurity, Christopher deeply understands the value and importance of cybersecurity. Leveraging his extensive experience and knowledge, Christopher thoroughly researches the latest cyber threats, scams, malware, and viruses.

DeleteMe: Remove your personal info from public databases

Opting out of data brokers is an important step in protecting your privacy, and 411 Locate is no exception. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of opting out of 411 Locate, providing you with easy steps to remove your information from their website. We will also discuss the importance of opting out of data brokers, the risks of not doing so, and provide tips on manually opting out or using an automated data removal service.

Key Takeaways:

  • Opting out of 411 Locate can be a slightly convoluted process.
  • There is no guarantee that your data won’t reappear in the future.
  • Regularly check back and submit new opt-out requests to ensure your privacy.
  • An automated data removal service like Incogni can handle opt-out requests on your behalf.
  • Opting out of data brokers is crucial in protecting your privacy from various risks.

The Opt-Out Process for 411 Locate

Opting out of 411 Locate is a straightforward process that can be completed online or through email or mail. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the opt-out procedure:

  1. Access the 411 Locate website at https://www.411locate.com/.
  2. Use your first name, phone number, or email address to search for your listing.
  3. Once you’ve found your listing, copy the URL from the browser’s address bar.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the homepage and click the “Contact Us” button.
  5. Fill out the contact form with the necessary information, including your name, address, phone number, email address, and the URL of your listing.
  6. Alternatively, you can opt out via email by sending the same information to admin@411locate.com or through mail by sending it to the provided address.
  7. Be sure to check the box confirming you’re not a robot in the contact form or include the confirmation in your email or mailed request.

After completing the opt-out request, it may take up to 72 hours for your information to be removed from the 411 Locate database. Remember to regularly check back to ensure your data stays removed and submit new opt-out requests if necessary.

If you prefer to opt out of 411 Locate manually, you can use their contact form, email, or mail. It’s essential to provide accurate information and follow the instructions provided to ensure a successful opt-out process.

To provide clarity, here’s a complete table summarizing the opt-out process for 411 Locate:

Opt-Out Method Steps
Online 1. Access the 411 Locate website
2. Search for your listing
3. Copy the URL
4. Click “Contact Us” and fill out the form
5. Submit the form
Email 1. Send an email to admin@411locate.com
2. Include your name, address, phone number, email address, and listing URL
3. Confirm you’re not a robot
Mail 1. Send a physical mail with your information to the provided address
2. Include your name, address, phone number, email address, and listing URL
3. Confirm you’re not a robot

By following these steps and submitting the necessary information, you can successfully opt out of 411 Locate and protect your personal information.

Removing Your Data from Other Sites

While opting out of 411 Locate is an important step in protecting your privacy, it’s crucial to recognize that your personal information may still be available on other data broker websites. These data brokers collect and sell personal data to third-party websites, which can lead to potential privacy risks. To fully safeguard your information, it’s recommended to identify other data brokers operating in your area and submit opt-out requests to them as well.

By taking proactive measures to remove your data from multiple data brokers, you can significantly reduce the chances of your information falling into the wrong hands. However, it’s important to stay vigilant as new data brokers may emerge, and existing ones may change their privacy policies. Regularly monitoring your online presence and submitting opt-out requests whenever necessary is a proactive approach in ensuring your privacy remains intact.

Removing Your Data from Other Sites

To effectively remove your data from other data broker websites, consider following these steps:

  1. Start by conducting a search for other data brokers operating in your area.
  2. Visit the websites of these data brokers and locate their privacy policy or opt-out page.
  3. Follow the instructions provided to opt out of their services. This may include filling out a form, providing specific information about your listing, or sending an email or physical mail.
  4. Make sure to keep a record of the opt-out requests you’ve submitted and check back periodically to ensure your data remains removed.

While manually removing your data from multiple data broker websites can be time-consuming and overwhelming, there are automated data removal services available that can simplify the process for you. Services like Incogni specialize in handling opt-out requests on your behalf, streamlining the data removal process and providing you with peace of mind.

Data Broker Opt-Out Process
Spokeo Fill out the online opt-out form with your information and complete the verification process.
Whitepages Visit the Whitepages opt-out page and follow the instructions provided to remove your listing.
Intelius Search for your listing on the Intelius website and click on the “Opt-Out” button next to your name. Follow the instructions to complete the opt-out process.

Remember, opting out of 411 Locate is just one step in protecting your privacy. By taking additional measures to remove your data from other data broker websites, you can further ensure that your personal information remains private and secure.

411 Locate privacy policy

Opting Out of 411 Locate: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re looking to opt out of 411 Locate and remove your personal information from their database, follow these simple steps:

  1. Start by accessing the 411 Locate website at https://www.411locate.com/.
  2. Depending on how you want to search for your listing, enter your first name, phone number, or email address.
  3. Once you’ve found your listing, copy the URL from the browser’s address bar.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the homepage and click the “Contact Us” button.
  5. In the contact form, check the box confirming you’re not a robot.
  6. Enter the email address from your listing and provide the necessary information, including your name, address, phone number, email address, and the URL of your listing.
  7. Alternatively, you can opt out via email or mail by sending the same information to the provided email address or physical address.

Once you’ve submitted your opt-out request, it may take up to 72 hours for your information to be removed from the 411 Locate database. However, please note that opting out of 411 Locate doesn’t guarantee that your data won’t reappear in the future. Therefore, it’s important to regularly monitor for any reappearances and take additional steps if necessary.

For a visual guide on how to opt out of 411 Locate, refer to the table below:

Step Instructions
1 Access the 411 Locate website at https://www.411locate.com/
2 Enter your first name, phone number, or email address to search for your listing
3 Copy the URL of your listing from the browser’s address bar
4 Scroll down to the bottom of the homepage and click the “Contact Us” button
5 Check the box confirming you’re not a robot
6 Enter the email address from your listing and provide your name, address, phone number, email address, and the URL of your listing in the contact form
7 Alternatively, opt out via email or mail by sending the same information to the provided email address or physical address

By following these steps, you can take control of your personal information and ensure it is removed from the 411 Locate database.

The Importance of Opting Out of Data Brokers

Opting out of data brokers like 411 Locate is crucial to protect your privacy. These data brokers collect and sell personal information, which can be used for various purposes, including identity theft, phishing, and unwanted contact. It’s not enough to remove your data from one data broker – you need to proactively opt-out of multiple data brokers to ensure your information is not exposed. Using an automated data removal service like Incogni can save you time and effort by handling opt-out requests on your behalf.

By opting out of data brokers, you take control of your personal information and reduce the risk of it falling into the wrong hands. Data brokers often gather information from various sources, including public records, online tracking technologies, and other data brokers. This comprehensive collection of personal data makes it easier for individuals, scammers, and even companies to access and use it for their own purposes.

Manual opt-out processes can be time-consuming and overwhelming, especially with the large number of data brokers operating globally. That’s where automated data removal services like Incogni come in. These services streamline the opt-out process by submitting requests to multiple data brokers on your behalf, ensuring comprehensive data removal without the hassle of individually tackling each data broker.

Benefits of Using an Automated Data Removal Service Drawbacks of Opting Out Manually
  • Efficient and time-saving
  • Handles opt-out requests across multiple data brokers
  • Reduces the risk of missed opt-outs
  • Time-consuming process
  • Requires knowledge of individual data brokers’ opt-out procedures
  • Increases the chances of missed opt-outs

Opting out of data brokers is an ongoing process. New data brokers may emerge, and existing ones may change their policies. By using an automated data removal service, you can stay ahead of these changes and ensure that your personal information remains protected.

Data Removal Service

The Benefits of Incogni Data Removal Service

Incogni is a trusted and reliable data removal service that specializes in handling opt-out requests. With a simple and straightforward process, Incogni ensures that your personal information is removed from multiple data broker websites, reducing the risk of your data being exposed to unauthorized access. By leveraging automation technology, Incogni saves you valuable time and effort, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of safeguarding your privacy.

About 411 Locate and Its Services

411 Locate is a prominent data broker website that specializes in offering people search and reverse lookup services exclusively within the United States. With access to data from over 6,000 sources, 411 Locate has been able to create profiles on more than 95% of all adults in the country. This extensive database allows users to find details about individuals by using their name, email address, or phone number. While the basic people search function is free, 411 Locate also offers premium access through paid accounts, offering more in-depth reports on individuals, including information on neighbors, property records, criminal records, and more.

To provide these services, 411 Locate collects data from various sources. While the exact sources are not specified on the website, it is common for data brokers like 411 Locate to collect information from public records, online tracking technologies like cookies and scripts, and other data brokers. This comprehensive collection of personal information allows 411 Locate and other data brokers to create detailed profiles on individuals, which can be accessed by anyone.

It is important to note that 411 Locate is just one of many data brokers operating in the market. These data brokers collect and sell personal information, posing risks to individuals’ privacy. Opting out of 411 Locate and other similar data broker websites is crucial to protect your personal information and prevent it from being misused.

Key Facts about 411 Locate
Website https://www.411locate.com/
Data Brokers Operating in the United States
Services People search and reverse lookup
Data Collection From over 6,000 sources
Data Coverage Profiles on over 95% of all adults in the US
Special Features Premium accounts for more in-depth reports

It’s important to be aware of the risks associated with data brokers like 411 Locate and take necessary steps to protect your privacy. While opting out manually from each data broker can be time-consuming, using an automated data removal service like Incogni can simplify the process and ensure comprehensive removal of your information from multiple data brokers. By proactively opting out and regularly monitoring for any reappearances, you can take control of your personal data and safeguard your privacy.

Risks of Not Opting Out of 411 Locate

Not opting out of 411 Locate and other data brokers can expose your personal information to various risks. Insurance companies, scammers, and other individuals can access and use your data for unfair discrimination, phishing attempts, identity theft, or stalking. Your personal data, once collected and stored in searchable databases, can be easily accessed by anyone. It’s important to take steps to remove your data from data broker websites and regularly monitor for any reappearances.

The Risks:

  • Unfair discrimination: Your personal information can be used by insurance companies or other entities to make decisions that affect your eligibility for services, rates, or opportunities.
  • Phishing attempts: Scammers can use your personal information to trick you into revealing sensitive information, such as passwords or financial details.
  • Identity theft: Criminals can use your personal information to assume your identity and carry out fraudulent activities in your name.
  • Stalking: Your personal information can be exploited by individuals to track your whereabouts and invade your privacy.

These risks highlight the importance of opting out of 411 Locate and other data brokers. By removing your personal information from these websites, you minimize the chances of your data falling into the wrong hands. However, it’s essential to remember that opting out of one data broker may not be enough, as your information may still be available on other similar platforms. Regularly monitoring and submitting opt-out requests to multiple data brokers can help ensure comprehensive data removal and protect your privacy.

Table: Risks of Not Opting Out of 411 Locate

Risks Explanation
Unfair discrimination Your personal information can be used by insurance companies or other entities to make decisions that affect your eligibility for services, rates, or opportunities.
Phishing attempts Scammers can use your personal information to trick you into revealing sensitive information, such as passwords or financial details.
Identity theft Criminals can use your personal information to assume your identity and carry out fraudulent activities in your name.
Stalking Your personal information can be exploited by individuals to track your whereabouts and invade your privacy.

Opting out of data broker websites is an essential step in safeguarding your personal information and maintaining your privacy. By taking proactive measures to remove your data, you can minimize the risks associated with the widespread availability of personal information online.

Opting Out of Data Brokers Manually

Opting out of data brokers manually can be a time-consuming process. However, if you prefer to do it yourself, there are opt-out guides available for various data brokers. These guides provide step-by-step instructions on how to remove your information from specific data broker websites. Keep in mind that the manual opt-out process can be overwhelming, especially with the large number of data brokers operating worldwide. Using an automated data removal service like Incogni can simplify the process and ensure all opt-out requests are handled efficiently.

When opting out manually, it’s important to first identify the data brokers from which you want to remove your information. This can be done by conducting online research or using online databases that provide information on data broker companies. Once you have identified the data brokers, visit their websites and look for their opt-out instructions or contact information.

Follow the opt-out instructions provided, which may involve filling out an online form, sending an email, or mailing a physical letter. Make sure to provide all the necessary information, such as your name, address, phone number, and any other details requested. It’s also important to clearly state that you want your information to be removed from their database and to cease any further use or sharing of your data.

After submitting your opt-out request, it’s a good idea to keep a record of the date and method of submission, as well as any confirmation emails or receipts you receive. This will help you track your opt-out progress and serve as proof in case your data reappears in the future. Remember that the opt-out process may take time, so be patient and continue monitoring the data broker’s website to ensure your information has been removed.

Data Broker Opt-Out Process
411 Locate Visit the 411 Locate website and locate your listing. Fill out the contact form or send an email to admin@411locate.com with the necessary information, including your name, address, phone number, and the URL of your listing.
Spokeo Visit the Spokeo website and search for your listing. Click on the listing and follow the opt-out instructions provided. You may need to provide additional information, such as your email address, in order to complete the opt-out process.
Whitepages Visit the Whitepages website and search for your listing. Click on the listing and follow the opt-out instructions provided. You may need to create an account or verify your identity in order to complete the opt-out process.

The Opt-Out Process for 411 Locate: FAQs

If you’re looking to opt out of 411 Locate and remove your personal information from their database, you may have some questions about the process. Here are some frequently asked questions to help guide you:

How long does it take to opt out of 411 Locate?

The opt-out process for 411 Locate typically takes around 10-15 minutes to complete. However, the actual removal time may vary, and there’s no guaranteed timeframe provided by 411 Locate. It’s important to note that the removal process may take up to 72 hours to fully remove your information from their database.

What should I do if my listing is still visible after opting out?

If, after the opt-out process, you find that your listing is still visible on 411 Locate, there are a couple of steps you can take. First, try clearing your browser cache and repeating the opt-out process to ensure that you have completed all the necessary steps. If the issue persists, you can contact 411 Locate directly via email or mail and provide them with the details of your listing. They should be able to assist you in removing your information.

Is there a guarantee that my data won’t reappear in the future?

Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that your data won’t reappear in the future after opting out of 411 Locate. Data broker websites like 411 Locate often collect information from various sources, and it’s possible that your data may be repopulated in their database. To ensure your privacy, it’s recommended to regularly monitor for any reappearances of your information and submit new opt-out requests if necessary.

How 411 Locate Collects Personal Information

411 Locate claims to scrape much of its information from public data sources. While the website doesn’t specify the exact sources, it’s common for data brokers to collect information from public records, online tracking technologies like cookies and scripts, and other data brokers. This collection of personal information allows data brokers like 411 Locate to create comprehensive profiles on individuals, which can be accessed by anyone. Opting out of 411 Locate and other data brokers is crucial to protect your privacy.

By scouring public data sources, 411 Locate compiles data on over 95% of all adults in the US. This data includes personal details such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. These profiles are searchable and available to anyone who accesses the 411 Locate website.

“We believe in making information easily accessible.”

– 411 Locate

While the specific sources used by 411 Locate remain undisclosed, it’s important to recognize that opting out of this data broker is vital to maintaining your privacy. By removing your information from 411 Locate, you can limit the accessibility of your personal data and reduce the risk of it being misused or exploited.

The Legality of 411 Locate

When it comes to the legality of 411 Locate, the website operates within the boundaries of data privacy laws, such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). This means that users have the right to request the deletion of their personal information from 411 Locate and similar sites operating within CCPA-covered areas.

By exercising your rights and opting out of data broker sites like 411 Locate, you can better protect your privacy and prevent the misuse of your personal information. It’s important to be proactive in managing your data and taking the necessary steps to ensure its removal from data broker websites.

Privacy laws play a significant role in safeguarding individuals’ personal information, and opting out is an essential part of maintaining control over how your data is used and shared. By staying informed about your rights and taking action to protect your privacy, you can minimize the risks associated with data brokers and maintain greater control over your personal information.

Privacy Law Scope Key Provisions
California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) California – Right to know what personal information is collected
– Right to opt out of the sale of personal information
– Right to request deletion of personal information
– Right to non-discrimination for exercising privacy rights
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) European Union – Right to access personal data
– Right to rectify inaccurate personal data
– Right to erasure (right to be forgotten)
– Right to restrict processing of personal data
– Right to data portability
Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) Canada – Consent for the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information
– Right to access personal information
– Right to request correction of personal information
– Right to withdraw consent


Opting out of 411 Locate and other data broker sites is a crucial step in safeguarding your privacy and protecting your personal information. While the opt-out process for 411 Locate may involve several steps, such as using a contact form and providing specific details about your listing, it is worth the effort to ensure your data is removed from their databases.

Remember to regularly monitor for any reappearances of your data on 411 Locate and submit new opt-out requests if necessary. Additionally, consider extending your opt-out efforts to other data broker sites to further enhance your privacy protection. Data brokers often sell personal information to third-party websites, making it essential to proactively remove your data from these platforms as well.

An automated data removal service like Incogni can simplify the opt-out process by handling all opt-out requests on your behalf. This service saves you time and effort, ensuring comprehensive data removal across multiple data brokers. By utilizing such a service, you can rest assured that your personal information remains secure and protected.


How do I opt out of 411 Locate?

To opt out of 411 Locate, visit their website and find your listing using your first name, phone number, or email address. Once you have the URL of your listing, scroll down to the bottom of the homepage and click the “Contact Us” button. Fill out the contact form with the necessary information, including your name, address, phone number, email address, and the URL of your listing. Alternatively, you can opt out via email or mail by sending the same information to admin@411locate.com or the provided address.

How long does the opt-out process take?

The removal process may take up to 72 hours. If your listing is still visible after 3 days, you can try clearing your browser cache and repeating the opt-out process. If the issue persists, you can contact 411 Locate directly via email or mail.

Is there a guarantee that my data won’t reappear in the future after opting out?

Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that your data won’t reappear in the future. To ensure your privacy, it’s recommended to regularly check back and submit new opt-out requests. Using an automatic data removal service like Incogni can also help simplify the process and ensure your data stays removed.

Why is it important to opt out of 411 Locate and other data brokers?

Opting out of data brokers is important to protect your privacy. These data brokers collect and sell personal information, which can be used for various purposes, including identity theft, phishing, and unwanted contact. It’s not enough to remove your data from one data broker – you need to proactively opt out of multiple data brokers to ensure your information is not exposed.

How does 411 Locate collect personal information?

411 Locate claims to scrape much of its information from public data sources. While the website doesn’t specify the exact sources, it’s common for data brokers to collect information from public records, online tracking technologies like cookies and scripts, and other data brokers.

Is opting out of 411 Locate legal?

Yes, opting out of 411 Locate and other data broker sites is legal. Users have the right to request the deletion of their personal information from 411 Locate and other similar sites operating within data privacy laws like the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

Can I opt out of data brokers manually?

Yes, you can opt out of data brokers manually. There are opt-out guides available for various data brokers, providing step-by-step instructions on how to remove your information from specific websites. However, using an automated data removal service like Incogni can simplify the process and ensure all opt-out requests are handled efficiently.

DeleteMe: Remove your personal info from public databases